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2016年06月03日 10:28      浏览:

 贺喜白乙 博士, Bayar Hexig Ph.D.
 Contact Information:
 Research Center for Laboratory Animal Science & College of Life Science,
 Inner  Mongolia University
 24 Zhao Jun Road, Hohhot,
 Inner Mongolia Autonomous  Region, 010070,
 P. R. China
 Tel: ++86-471-529-4030  
 E-mail: bhexig@mongol-ncf.com;  bayar98@hotmail.com

 贺喜白乙 教授: 男,蒙古族,1972年4月出生于内蒙古库伦旗,博士,2012年内蒙古大学引进的高层次人才。
 2007-2008  年在东京工业大学生命理工学研究院任GCOE研究员
 长期从事干细胞在再生医学上的应用研究。研究工作涉及干细胞学,发育生物学,定向诱导分化,再生医学与生物功能材料,生物-纳米界面等前沿交叉领域。曾分担两项日本科学振兴会的重大项目和一项日本文部省再生医学实现化的重大委托事业项目。《Tissue  engineering》,《The Journal of Physical Chemistry》,and《process  Biochemistry》等国际性学术杂志审稿人。。
 1. S. Sakai, J. Kim, B.  Hexig, Y. Okahata, C.S. Cho, T. Akaike. Adsorption behaviors of recombinant  E-cadherin-IgG Fc fusion protein on polystyrene surface. Colloids and Surfaces  B: Biointerfaces 1; 94: 192-198, 2012.
 2. Qingyuan Meng,  Amranul Haque, Bayar Hexig, Toshihiro Akaike. The differentiation and isolation  of mouse embryonic stem cells toward hepatocytes using galactose-carrying  substrata. Biomaterials. 33, 1414-1427, 2012.
 3. Amranul  Haque, Bayar Hexig, Qingyuan Meng, Sharif Hossain, Masato Nagaoka, Toshihiro  Akaike. The effect of recombinant E-cadherin substratum on the differentiation  of endoderm-derived hepatocyte-like cells from embryonic stem cells.  Biomaterials. 32, 2032-2042, 2011.
 4. Bayar Hexig, Ryusuke  Nakaoka, Toshie Tsuchiya. Safety Evaluation of Surgical Materials  by Cytotoxicity Test. Journal of Artificial Organs, 11, 204-211,  2008.
 5. Bayar Hexig, Hexig Alata, Naoki Asakawa, Yoshio  Inoue. Generation of Compositional Gradient Structure in Biodegradable  Immiscible Polyester/Polyether Blend through Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding  Interaction. Advanced Functional Materials, 15, 1630-1634, 2005.
(1) 研发细胞活性融合蛋白质细胞外基质以控制ES/iPS细胞的功能和分化过程。基盘研究S(日本科学振兴会) 2011-2014  ,分担研究者
(2) 以钙粘素融合蛋白质作为细胞外基质的ES/iPS细胞单一细胞级培养系统的开发。(日本文部省委托研究事业)“第二期再生医疗实现化项目” 2008-2010, 分担负责项目执行
(3) 研发单一细胞级培养系统和刺激反应探测系统而分析ES细胞的彷徨变异机制。基盘研究C,日本科学振兴会 2009-2011  分担研究者
(4) 研究分析高分子表面和可固定性融合蛋白之间的相互作用、共固定融合蛋白质的机制 东京工业大学GCOE  青年学者奖励金 2008-2009 主持负责人
 Research interests:
Stem cell  biology; Developmental biology; Cell reprograming; Directed differentiation;  Regenerative medicine; Biomaterials; Nano-biointerface
 Research  experience:
 2012 - Present Professor, Research  Center for Laboratory Animal Science & College of Life Science, Inner  Mongolia University, P. R. China
 2008 - 2012 Assistant  Professor, Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology & Frontier  Research Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan ? Evolving Education and  Research Center for Spatio-Temporal Biological Network
 2007 -  2008 GCOE Research Associate, Graduate School of Bioscience and  Biotechnology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan Evolving Education and  Research Center for Spatio-Temporal Biological  Network
 2005-2007 Postdoctoral Researcher, Division of  Medical Devices, National Institute of Health Science, Japan Health and Labor  Sciences Grants for Research on Advanced Medical Technology and Risk Analysis on  Food and Pharmaceuticals by Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare  
 2005 Ph.D. in Biomolecular  Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
 2001 M.Sc. in Biological & Chemical Engineering, Gunma University, Japan  
 1994 B.Sc. in Physics, Inner Mongolia Normal University,  China
 Grants & Funding:
 2012-2015 Principal Investigator Supported by Program of Higher-level talents of Inner  Mongolia University (SPH-IMU) Project: Development of Stable Culture System for  Bovine Embryonic Stem Cells
 2011-2014 Project Member  Grants-in Aid for Specific Research (S), Integrated Science and Innovative  Science (Comprehensive fields) (JSPS), Japan (PI: Prof. Toshihiro Akaike, Tokyo  Institute of Technology) Project: Regulation of functions and differentiation of  ES/iPS cells by designing cell-recognizable chimera matrices  
 2008-2011 Project Manager(PI: Prof. Toshihiro Akaike  ;Tokyo Institute of Technology) The Project for Realization of Regenerative  Medicine; sponsored by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and  Technology (MEXT), Japan Project: Development of novel single cell level culture  system for ES/iPS cells based on E-cadherin chimeric protein matrix  
 2009-2011 Project Member(PI: Dr. Kiyoshi Ohnuma, Nagaoka  University of Technology) Grants-in Aid for Specific Research (C) (JSPS), Japan  Project: Single-cell microscopy with stimulus and response device to analyze  relaxation mechanism of ES cells fluctuation
 2005-2007 Post-doctoral Researcher (PI: Dr. Toshie Tsuchiya, National Institute of Health  Science) Health and Labor Sciences Grants for Research on Advanced Medical  Technology and Risk Analysis on Food and Pharmaceuticals by Ministry of Health,  Labor and Welfare Project: (1)Safety evaluation of surgical materials by  cytotoxicity test & (2)Development of novel compositional gradient medical  devices
 Selected peer-reviewed  publications:
 1. S. Sakai, J. Kim, B. Hexig, Y.  Okahata, C.S. Cho, T. Akaike. Adsorption behaviors of recombinant E-cadherin-IgG  Fc fusion protein on polystyrene surface. Colloids and Surfaces B:  Biointerfaces, 94:192-198, 2012.
 2. Qingyuan Meng, Amranul  Haque, Bayar Hexig, Toshihiro Akaike. The differentiation and isolation of mouse  embryonic stem cells toward hepatocytes using galactose-carrying substrata.  Biomaterials, 33:1414-1427, 2012.
 3. Amranul Haque, Bayar  Hexig, Qingyuan Meng, Sharif Hossain, Masato Nagaoka, Toshihiro Akaike. The  effect of recombinant E-cadherin substratum on the differentiation of  endoderm-derived hepatocyte-like cells from embryonic stem cells. Biomaterials,  32:2032-2042, 2011.
 4. Dragomirka Jovic, Amranul Haque,  Bayar Hexig, Masato Nagaoka, Toshihiro Akaike. Control of singular cell cycle  synchronization of mouse ES cells for hepatocyte differentiation on E-cadherin  substratum. Journal of Biotechnology and Biomaterials, 1:1-6, 2011.  
 5. Bayar Hexig, Kazuo Isama, Yuji Haishima, Yoshio Inoue,  Toshie Tsuchiya, Toshihiro Akaike. Self-organization of the compositional  gradient structure in hyaluronic acid and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) blend  film. Journal of Biomaterials Science, 21:1957-1970, 2010.  
 6. Bayar Hexig, Ryusuke Nakaoka, Toshie Tsuchiya. Safety  evaluation of surgical materials by cytotoxicity test. Journal of Artificial  Organs, 11:204-211, 2008.
 7. Nobuyuki Osugi, Tungalag  Dong, Bayar Hexig, Yoshio Inoue. Generation and characterization of  compositional gradient structure in the biodegradable chitosan/Poly(ethylene  oxide) blend. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 104: 2939-2946, 2007.  
 8. H. Alata, B. Hexig, Y. Inoue. Effect of poly(vinyl  alcohol) fine particles as a novel biodegradable nucleating agent on the  crystallization of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate). Journal of Polymer Science, Part B:  Polymer Physics, 44:1813-1820, 2006.
 9. Bayar Hexig, Hexig  Alata, Naoki Asakawa, Yoshio Inoue. Generation of compositional gradient  structure in biodegradable immiscible polyester/polyether blend through  intermolecular hydrogen bonding interactions. Advanced Functional Materials, 15:  1630-1634, 2005.
 10. B. Hexig, H. Alata, Y. Inoue.  Self-organization of functional gradient structure in the biodegradable  chitosan/poly(vinyl alcohol) blend film from aqueous solution. Journal of  Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 43:3069-3076, 2005.  
 11. B. Hexig, H. Alata, N. Asakawa, Y. Inoue. Novel  biodegradable poly(butylenes succinate)/poly(ethylene oxide) blend film with  compositional and spherulite-size gradients. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B:  Polymer Physics, 43: 368-377, 2005.
 12. Bayar Hexig, Yong  He, Naoki Asakawa, Yoshio Inoue. Diphenol miscibility effect on the immiscible  polyester/polyether binary blends through intermolecular hydrogen-bonding  interaction. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 42:2971-298,  2004.
 Book chapter and review  papers:
 1. Alata Hexig and Bayar Hexig.  Characterization of compositional gradient structure of polymeric materials by  FT-IR technology, Theophanides Theophile, Infrared Spectroscopy/ Book 1,  Croatia, INTECH open access publisher, 2012.
 2. Bayar  Hexig, Toshihiro Akaike. Development of large scale culture system for ES and  iPS cells based on E-cadherin coated substrate. Journal of Clinical and  Experimental Medicine (IGAKU NO AYUMI), 238, 1181- 1187, 2011 (in  Japanese)
 3. Bayar Hexig, Toshihiro Akaike. Non-stress  homogeneous ES/iPS cells culture system for large scale production, Regenerative  Medicine, 9, 323-331, 2010 (in Japanese).
 4. Bayar Hexig,  Meng QingYuan, Toshihiro Akaike. The technology of nano-fiber innovate  regenerative medicine, Engineering Materials, 58, 42-47, 2010 (in  Japanese).
 5. Md Amranul Haque, Masato Nagaoka, Bayar Hexig  and Toshihiro Akaike. Artificial extracellular matrix for embryonic stem cell  cultures: a new frontier of nanobiomaterials. Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 11, 1-9,  2010.
 Selected conference  presentations:
 1. Bayar Hexig, Toshihiro Akaike.  Large scale non-stress homogeneous proliferation of ES/iPS cells on E-cadherin  chimeric nano-material. The 3rd Asian Biomaterials Congress, Busan, KOREA.  (September, 2011)
 2. Bayar Hexig, Toshihiro Akaike  Stress-free culture system for ES/iPS cells. The 9th Congress of the Japanese  Society for Regenerative Medicine. Hiroshima, Japan. (March, 2010)  
 3. Bayar Hexig, Toshihiro Akaike. Application of cell  recognizable matrix-coated nano-fiber network scaffolds for regenerative  medicine. The 7th Congress of the Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine.  Nagoya, Japan (March 2008)
 4. Bayar Hexig. Development of  E-cadherin/Fc-based 3D culture system for large-scale ES/iPS cells production.  The 2nd Annual Congress of Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cell, Dalian, China.  (August, 2009)(Invited Presentation)
 5. Bayar Hexig,  Toshihiro Akaike. Development of E-cadherin/Fc-based 3D culture system for  large-scale ES/iPS cells production. 2nd TERMIS World Congress & 2009 Seoul  Stem Cell Symposium, Seoul, Korea. (September, 2009)
 6. Bayar Hexig, Toshihiro Akaike. Development of 3D culture system for large-scale  ES/iPS cells production. 2008 Annual Conference of Tissue Engineering and  Regenerative Medicine International Society - Asian Pacific Region,  (TERMIS-AP-2008) Taipei, Taiwan. (November, 2008)
 Professional  service:
 Organization member of international symposium of GCOE  program (Evolving Education and Research Center  for Spatio-Temporal Biological  Network), Tokyo Institute of Technology
 The 7th GCOE international symposium  on“Nano-biomaterials Science and Technology for Medicine and Biology”
 The  5th GCOE international symposium on “Frontier in Biomaterials Science and  Technology for Regenerative Medicine and Gene/Drug Delivery”。




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